Sprinkler Systems

Inspection, Testing, Maintenance and Repairs

Sprinkler Systems

Sprinklers have been the most effective form of fire protection for decades, but they must be inspected, tested and maintained in accordance with the requirements of the National Fire Protection Association and the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Fire Safe, LLC's inspections, testing and maintenance program is carried out in accordance with the code requirements set forth in NFPA and the requirements of the local authority. A Certification of the system's compliance with codes can be provided if it complies with such.

Fire Safe, LLC

Annual and Quarterly Inspection/Testing Check List (Summary) as per NFPA 25

Annual Services

Visual Inspection of System


Fire Pump systems ... flow test

Water Supply

Control valves

Funtional test of all systems components

Funtional test of all alarm devices

Check all special systems

Plus, all quarterly services

Quarterly Services

Main drain test (static/residual pressure)

Wet pipe system flow

Dry pipe system (priming level, low pressure ... flow alarm)

Preaction and controllers

Check control valves

Check nameplates

Spare sprinkler heads


A visual examination of a water-based fire protection system or portion thereof to verify that it appears to be in operating condition and is free of physical damages.


A procedure to determine the status of a system as intended by conducting physical checks on water-based fire protection systems such as waterflow tests, fire pump tests, alarm tests, and trip tests or dry pipe, deluge, or preaction valves. These tests follow up on the original acceptance test at intervals specified in the appropriate chapter of the standard NFPA 25.


Work performed to keep equipment operable or make repairs.

Inspection, Testing and Maintenance Service

A service program provided by a qualified contractor or owner's representative in which all components unique to the property's systems are inspected and tested at the required times, and necessary maintenance is provided. This program includes logging and retention of relevant records.


Service provided by a qualified contractor to assure that the equipment or part is returned to operable conditions.


Sprinkler Systems

Sprinklers have been the most effective form of fire protection for decades...
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Fire Alarm

Most commercial and industrial occupancies have some type of fire alarm system...
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Fire Estinguishers

The number and size of portable extinguishers required is set forth in the...
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Kitchen Systems

New construction or renovation of an existing commercial or industrial kitchen...
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Special Systems

Gaseous agent special hazard suppression systems are most often designed...
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For Dependable, Professional, and Quality Fire Protection Services, you can rely on Fire Safe, Inc.


Fire Protection Services & Equipment


Carr 848 Km 1.8 Local 194 Bo Saint Just, PR

(787) 293 2210


(787) 293 2280

Mon - Fri: 7:30AM - 4:30PM